Our music

All our original music is available under a Creative Commons Attribution, Non-commercial, Share Alike Licence. This means that the songs can be used freely under these conditions:

Attribution: Acknowledge author (authors) and A Chorus of Women
Non-commercial: No commercial use
Share-alike: The songs can be arranged for special purposes as long as the work and its intention are respected and others share alike.

Please contact us on chorusofwomen@incanberra.com.au if you would like to sing any of our songs. Also, please let us know if you have sung and/or rearranged any of our songs. We are keen to hear about this.

Lament - our first song

In 2003 Glenda Cloughly wrote the words for a lament for the people of Iraq, only days before the invasion of Iraq was launched. Judith Clingan wrote a tune and 150 Canberra women gathered in the foyer of Australian Parliament House to sing this lament on 18 March 2003, when John Howard, the Australian Prime Minister, declared Australia's participation in the invasion. This action launched A Chorus of Women. See 'About A Chorus of Women' for more detail. 
Click here for the original hand-written manuscript.

Chorus of Women - Songbook

In 2013 we launched our 10th anniversary songbook, containing over 170 pages of our original music and much interesting information about us and about the songs. Songbooks are available for $30. Click on image to display contents. Please contact us if you would like further details. Songbook

'Giving Voice'

'Giving Voice' is a compilation of 15 songs reflecting the concerns and creativity of A Chorus of Women. The songs and the accompanying booklet form a story of the activities of the Chorus our first four years.

The CD was launched by ACT Senator Kate Lundy at the ACT Legislative Assembly on Monday 11 December 2006. Chorus sang a selection of songs from the CD and Kate Lundy gave a very moving speech about the role A Chorus of Women had played in voicing the concerns of citizens, including politicians.

If you want to order a copy of 'Giving Voice' please contact us .

Copyright © 2025 A Chorus of Women