The Hymn to Gaia - Promise - Farewell


Gaia, I will sing to the mother of all
Gaia, I will praise the source of all
whoever is of the land and sea
the many who fly in the sky
Gaia, all are nourished from your wealth

Gaia, out of your treasures come children and fruit
you grant birth and death, the law of life
food-giving lands, thriving herds
houses filled with good things
Gaia, your kindly blessings bring happiness

Gaia, order and beauty spring from you
the city you honour enjoys good laws
the children play merry with fresh-budding joy
the maidens dance in the flowering fields
Greetings mother of gods and wife of the starry sky
Gaia, I will remember you in another song

(Homeric Hymn to the Earth, c.500BC, lyric and music by Glenda Cloughley
from a translation by Jill Hayman of Canberra)

Gaia!      We your people sing our promise
to turn the tide to harmony
of the mortal law of people and cities
and the immortal law of Earth and Sky

Gaia!      We are the voice of our children’s hope
We are the trust of creatures and plants
We the dreamers      We the singers
will never tire of telling you your gifts


Greetings mother of gods and wife of the starry sky
Gaia, I will remember you in another song