This is a selection of photos taken by Bronwyn King at the final rehearsal and on the night in the Chapel of the Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture, 31 August and 1 September 2016.
Dreaming Song with Kate Champion and Meg Rigby - the new moon as a symbol of hope
Jenny Sawer, our Ethos, in rehearsal
The Chorus women in rehearsal
Our two MCs - Lish Fejer from ABC 666 and Janet Salisbury from A Chorus of Women
Will Steffen, Climate Councillor, addressing the audience about our current situation
Composer-Storyteller Glenda Cloughley and the Chorus sing 'The Watchman' from The Gifts of the Furies
Canberra soprano Margaret Sim, a good friend of the Chorus
The Cyrenes joined us and brought some of their favourite songs for a better world
Audience members in the interval
Stephen Pickard, Director of the Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture, spoke about the Australian Religious Response to Climate Change
Johanna McBride leads singers and audience in singing Ubuntu - 'I am who I am because of you, we are who we are because of each other'
CSIRO senior research scientist and Chorus member Nicky Grigg spoke of her feelings about climate change and joined us in the music
Our stage manager, Chorus woman Emilia Della Torre, and the audience
Conductor and violinist Rowan Harvey-Martin spoke about her daughter's fears and her plans for a 'Blue Planet Orchestra'
Singer and environmental consultant Maartje Sevenster contributed some reflections and two songs
Our two flautists - Jodie Petrov and John Smiles
Glenda as cantor and Jenny as Ethos lead the Citizens' Chorus in the Reconciliation between the cities and the Earth, accompanied by Rowan Harvey-Martin, violin and Clara Teniswood, cello